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Apokalypsis Sancti Johannis. 15th c. Aristotle: Works. 1495-1498.
Cornelius Nepos: Vitae imperatorum. 1471. Fr. Colonna: Hypnerotomachia Polyphili. 1499.
Letter of indulgence. 1475. A. Vérard (ed.): Le Jardin de Plaisance. c. 1500.
Y.A. Bedersi: Examination of the World. 1484. A. Vérard (ed.): Tristan I-II. c. 1506 and c. 1496.
Homer: The Iliad and the Odyssey. [1488/89]. Saxo: Danorum Regum heroumque Historiae. 1514.
Euclid: Elementa. 1491. P. Aemilius Veronensis: De rebus gestis Francorum. [c. 1517].
Hartmann Schedel: Book of Chronicles. 1493. Marsilio of Padua: “The Bombed Book”. 1522.



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