Treasures in the Royal Library


This web exhibition is the digital counterpart to the exhibition Treasures in the Royal Library that can be seen in the Black Diamond from 18 September 2003 to 30 December 2004.
      However, the digital version is more extensive than the physical exhibition. More works have been included, and the presentation of each work is fuller both in terms of text and illustrations.
      The exhibition is divided into 11 themes. Each theme has its own survey page with links to single works. A brief presentation of the theme in question is also to be found.

♦Find the hidden link on the main page and see the only treasure that did not fit into a theme.

The exhibition is best viewed at 1024 by 768 pixels setting.

Web editor and designer: Signe Strecker.
Editor: Karen Skovgaard-Petersen (
IT consultant: Bruno Svindborg.

Maps, Prints, and Photographs: Henrik Dupont, Ingrid Fischer Jonge, Bodil Østergaard-Andersen.
Music and Theatre: Anne Ørbæk Jensen, Knud Arne Jürgensen, Niels Krabbe, Claus Røllum-Larsen.
Orientalia and Judaica: Eva-Maria Jansson, Bent Lerbæk Pedersen, Stig T. Rasmussen.
Manuscripts and Rare Books: Erik Petersen, Karen Skovgaard-Petersen, Signe Strecker, Bruno Svindborg.

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© Det Kongelige Bibliotek 2003