www.kb.dk > Preserve The Past > Maps > 43. Le grand atlas

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43. Le grand atlas, ou Cosmographie Blaviane. Jean Blaeu. 1647-62.

The atlas volume is the first of twelve volumes that together describe the world in maps and text. It includes the North and contains special maps of the island Ven with plans and prospects of Uranienborg and Stjerneborg, the so-called mural quadrant with Tycho Brahe in his laboratory and fine engravings of his instruments.

The volume also contains some interesting maps, attributed to Hans W. Lauremberg who was charting Denmark for Christian IV. The charts were never printed in Denmark, but after the dismissal of Lauremberg, new comprehensive charts appeared in the Netherlands, where they were printed in the atlas volume - without any mention of Lauremberg's name, however!

The atlas has belonged to the British consul in Venice, Joseph Smith, Conte Carli Rubbi and the book collector P.F. Suhm, whose large library was bought by The Royal Library in 1796. The cover is made of parchment with gold-printing - an about 60 cm high folio with beautifully hand-coloured copper-engraved maps and plates.