J. P. Mynster (1775-1854) | 5. Repræsentanterne for 'Det Bestaaende' Representatives of 'The Establishment' |
"Du har ingen Forestilling om, hvilken Giftplante Mynster har været," udtalte Kierkegaard til Emil Boesen på sit dødsleje om sin "Faders Præst". Og helt ufarlig ser han da heller ikke ud, som han sidder der iklædt gejstlighedens magtfulde uniform. Efter at have været præst i Spjellerup på Sydsjælland blev han 1811 øverste kapellan ved Vor Frue Kirke i København og gjorde så lynkarriere: 1815 blev han teologisk doktor, 1826 hofprædikant, 1828 kongelig konfessionarius samt hof- og slotspræst og fra 1834 til sin død Sjællands biskop. Som statskirkens repræsentant var han konservativ og som administrator effektiv - men et "Sandheds-Vidne" var han ikke. |
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"You have no idea of what a poisonous plant Mynster has been," declared Kierkegaard on his deathbed to Emil Boesen about his "father's priest." Nor does he look completely harmless, sitting there wearing the clergy's powerful uniform. After having been pastor in Spjellerup on South Zealand in 1811 he became the head curate at the Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen and then he achieved a meteoric career: 1815 he became Doctor of Theology, 1826 court preacher, 1828 royal confessor as well as court and palace priest and from 1834 until his death, bishop of Zealand. As the representative of the state church he was conservative and as an administrator he was efficient, but a "witness to the truth" he was not. |
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