Thomasine Gyllembourg (1773-1856) | 2A. Forfatterskabets Anden Fase
The Second Writing Phase |
Fru Gyllembourg var mere end blot mor til Johan Ludvig og svigermor til Johanne Luise, hun var tillige en selvstændig forfatterinde, der fra 1827 til 1845 udsendte hele 24 romaner og noveller. Blandt disse var To Tidsaldre, som Kierkegaard i marts 1846 roste til skyerne i En literair Anmeldelse, der ikke blot er en litterær analyse, men også et stykke ramsaltet samtidskritik. Kierkegaard slår ned på det moderne samfunds manglende oprindelighed, dets affektation og forstillelse, udvendighed, åndsløsheden, dets indholdstomme formdyrkelse, der dybest set er formløshed, og sidst men ikke mindst: publikum som den mest anonyme og derfor farligste magtfaktor. | ![]() |
Fru Gyllembourg was more than merely the mother of Johan Ludvig and the mother-in-law of Johanne Luise, she was, in addition, an author in her own right, who published 25 novels and stories between 1827 and 1845. Among these was Two Eras, which Kierkegaard praised to the skies in A Literary Review, which is not merely a literary analysis, but also a piece of caustic social criticism. Kierkegaard hits hard at the lack of sincerity in modern society, its affectation and pretence, superficiality, lack of spirituality, its cultivation of forms over content, which is most profoundly the lack of form, and last but not least: the public as the most anonymous and therefore most dangerous source of power. |
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