H. N. Clausen (1793-1877) | 1. Kierkegaards lærere og andre inspiratorer fra ungdomsårene
Kierkegaard's teachers and and other sources of inspiration in his youth |
I midten af 1830'erne var Det teologiske Fakultet alt andet end fremragende. Professorkollegiet bestod af den bedagede Jens Møller, om hvem det træffende er blevet sagt, at han var mindre "Producent end Referent, men som saadan næsten uforlignelig"; endvidere af den noget anonyme Hohlenberg, der varetog undervisningen i hebraisk; og endelig - som eneste lyspunkt - af den lærde og vellidte H.N. Clausen. Som de fleste af sine kolleger var han rationalist, men nede i Berlin havde han hørt Schleiermacher, hvis mere følelsesbetonede trosbegreb han forsøgte at forene med en kritisk holdning til den kirkelige tradition. |
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In the mid-1830s the Faculty of Theology was anything but distinguished. The group of professors was composed of the aged Jens Møller, of whom it was aptly said that he was less "producer than reporter, but as such he was almost unequalled;" and of the rather anonymous Hohlenberg, who taught hebrew; and finally - as the only gleam of light - of the learned and well-liked H.N. Clausen. As were most of his colleagues, Clausen was a rationalist, but down in Berlin he had heard Schleiermacher, whose more emotional concept of faith he attempted to unite with a critical attitude to the ecclesiastical tradition. |
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