St. St. Blicher (1782-1848) | 2. Forfatterskabets Først Fase
The First Fase of Writing |
I en anmeldelse fra 1835 skrev Madvig om Blicher, at han er et "høist vakkert, men til en vis Sphære inskrænket Talent". Ikke underligt at Blicher af et godt hjerte hadede, hvad han kaldte "det kjøbenhavnske Formskjærerlaug", hvormed han navnlig havde J.L. Heiberg og hans kreds i uvenlig erindring. Det var ikke så meget Blichers smag for voldsomme begivenheder, bizarre sjælstilstande, erotomani og perversiteter, der fængslede Kierkegaard, men mere naturskildringerne og karakteristikken af de folkelige miljøer, som han forbandt med sit eget udgangspunkt i den jyske almue. Et mesterværk som Hosekræmmeren har jo alene ved sit titel måttet virke tiltrækkende. | ![]() |
In a review from 1835 Madvig wrote about Blicher that he is a "truly beautiful talent, but limited to a certain sphere." It is hardly strange that Blicher thoroughly hated what he called "the Copenhagen block-cutters guild," by which he definitely had J. L. Heiberg and his circle unkindly in mind. It was not so much Blicher's taste for violent events, bizarre spiritual conditions, erotomania and perversities that captured Kierkegaard, but more his depiction of Nature and characterization of the folksy milieux, which Kierkegaars associated with his own point of departure in the Jutish peasantry. A masterpiece such as the Hosiery Seller would by its title alone have to be appealing. |
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