Poul Martin Møller (1794-1838) | 2. Forfatterskabets første fase
The early writing phase |
"Menneskene maa i Tankernes Rige regnes til de drøvtyggende Dyr," hedder det i en af Poul Martin Møllers aforismer, der tildels kan siges at gælde ham selv. Bortset fra en oversættelse af Odysseens første seks sange fik han intet udgivet i sin levetid, ja end ikke En dansk Students Eventyr lykkedes det ham at få afsluttet. Som professor i filosofi nærede han stedse stigende skepsis over for Hegel og fremhævede i stedet personlighedens centrale betydning i den filosofiske tænkning. Poul Martin Møller er, fraset faderen, den eneste mand, Kierkegaard har dediceret et af sine værker, nemlig Begrebet Angest. Heri besynges han bl.a. som "Græcitetens lykkelige Elsker". |
![]() | One of Poul Martin Møller's aphorisms runs "In the Kingdom of Ideas, human beings must be classified with the ruminant animals," which in part can be said to be true of himself. Aside from a translation of the first six songs of the Odessey, he published nothing in his lifetime, he did not manage to finish even his En dansk Students Eventyr [The Tale of a Danish Student]. As a professor of philosophy he nourished a continually increasing scepticism regarding Hegel and emphasized instead the central significance of the the individual in philosophical thought. Poul Martin Møller is, aside from Kierkegaard's father, the only man to whom Kierkegaard dedicated one of his works, The Concept of Anxiety. He is praised in this work as "The fortunate lover of Græcism." |
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