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om Gustaf Munch-Petersen

and now we'll say

and now we'll say this:
we want a new music
into this world -
and now we'll say it:
we want
a new music into this world -

still we are no niggers -,
because we laugh in angry pain
over this insane civilization -
and still we are no infants
any longer -,
only because we are still able to laugh our corroding anger
over this hateful civilization -
and now we'll say this:
we want a new music
into this world -
and we'll say this too:
we can't be soothed any more
with caresses from this world
and we shall not -,
until we have
got a new music
into this world -

and don't believe
that we might just be let to die
in peaceful starvation,
before having crushed forth
the new music of ours
into this world -!

black god's stone
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