Music at One
KATALOG (Catalogue) by Fuzzy
– a musical
decoration of The Black Diamond.
The music piece Katalog by the composer Fuzzy is a new artistic decoration for The Black
Diamond, commissioned by The Royal Library. As a sounding ornament in "The Gap" - as the atrium
with the wavy balconies is called in the library - every day for about three minutes one of the
52 compositions sounds, written in the musical genre electro-acoustical compositional music.
With this project an outstanding concert hall has been created for this kind of music, and the
project gives the opportunity of the daily playing of Katalog. The 52 parts of the work -
one for each week of the year - get their inspiration from one of the treasures of the library -
a manuscript, a photo, a book, or a piece of music. The composition thus functions at the same
time as a memory of the presence of music in the library in an interplay with the painter Per
Kirkeby's decoration of the ceiling at the C-level and a promotion of the collection supplemented
by an indication of the passing of time.
The music is played via a permanent installation based on a computerized 12-channel "orchestra of
loudspeakers", in which every loudspeaker can be programmed with its individual "orchestral part".
Four loudspeakers are installed in the ceiling of each of the three balcony levels.
One may think that sound and reading rooms do not directly harmonize, and that students and
scholars can be disturbed in their work. The library is already filled with real life sounds from
the rolling travelators, general speech and activities at the A-level around The Queen's
Hall, in the Restaurant søren k, the café Øieblikket and GAD's bookshop.
At 1 p.m. you have the possibility to look up from your books, strech your leges and - for three
minutes, no more no less - enjoy that the huge space is filled with music. Music which is
experienced differently according to where you stand or move around.
The project Music at One and the composition KATALOG has been made possible through
grants from the Year 2000-Foundation under the Ministry of Research and from receipts from state
Below you can see the pictures and a short description of the individual objects from the library,
which have inspired Fuzzy for the music. They can also be seen on posters at the A-level of The
Black Diamond.
More information, please contact Lone Ømann, Tel. 33 47 43 62, mail:
January-February - Week 1-9
March-April - Week 10-17
May-June - Week 18-26
July-August - Week 27-35
September-October - Week 36-44
November-December - Week 45-52
Comments to the Music and Theatre Department
Updated August 2004
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