Joachim Pastorius: Bellum Scythico-Cosacicum. Danzig 1652.
70,-188 4º
Front cover | Spine | Title page | Fol. N1r: Book II |
This book celebrates the victory of the Polish King John Casimir (1648-1668) in 1649 over a group of rebellious Cossacks and Tatars. The author, Joachim Pastorius (1611-1681), was royal historiographer to the Polish King.
This copy bears a shelfmark from the library of King Frederik III dating from around 1663, and it has thus been part of the oldest Royal Library. It is probably a gift copy for the King as also suggested by the splendid binding. It is a full binding, maybe German, made of red morocco with gilt decorations in baroque consisting of, i.a., fans, vines, and flowers.
20.1 x 15.1 cm.
© Det Kongelige Bibliotek 2003