Biblia Þad Er, Øll Heilög Ritning, vtlögd a Norrænu (That Is, The Entire Holy Scripture, in Old Norse). Hólar: Jone Jons Syne 1584.
1,-35 2º
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Title page | Fol. B1r: Genesis, Noah’s Ark |
Also in Iceland – one of the northern parts of the Danish realm – the Bible was to be accessible in the local language after the Protestant Reformation. The first complete edition of the Bible in Icelandic was published by Bishop Gudbrandur Thorlaksson (1542-1627) in 1584. King Frederik II ((b. 1534) 1559-1588) financed the publication and ordered that a copy of the new Bible should be found in every church in Iceland. Gudbrandur Thorlaksson also did some of the translation himself. The Bible was printed at his printing office at the episcopal residence of Hólar, and is sometimes referred to as “Gudbrand’s Biblia”. 1,000 copies were printed.
35.5 x 23 cm.
Reference (in Icelandic and Danish): Ragnar F. Lárusson, “Hólabiblíurnar þrjár/De tre bibler fra Hólar, Island”, Peter E. Raes (ed.): På sporet af gamle bibler, Akademisk Forlag, 1995, s. 35-43, 46-58 (with a short English and German summary pp. 190-201).
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