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P. W. Lund: Blik paa Brasiliens Dyreverden før sidste Jordomvæltning. 1.-5. Afhandling (A Look at the Fauna of Brazil before the Last Upheaval. 1st to 5th Paper). Copenhagen 1838-1843.
22,-237 4º
Vol. 5: Fourth Paper: Mammals Continued. 1842.

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Title page P. 7: On sloths Plate 39: Sloth’s feet
(vol. 6)

In 1835 the Danish natural scientist P.W. Lund (1801-1880) settled in the Brazilian village of Lagoa Santa. Here he devoted himself to the study of fossil animal bones, which he excavated from caves in the surroundings. He thus laid the foundation of the study of the extinct fauna of South America. He published his results in a series of treatises with the common title Blik paa Brasiliens Dyreverden før sidste Jordomvæltning (A Look at the Fauna of Brazil before the last Upheaval) in 1838 and the following years.

Vol. 5: 24 x 19.6 cm.
Vol. 6: 30.8 x 22.5 cm.

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