Treasures in the Royal Library

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The Martyrdom of St. Edmund. England c. 1050.
GkS 1588 4º. Parchment, 32 ff.

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Fol. 2r: Abbo’s preface for
Archbishop Dunstan
Fol. 4v: The beginning of
the martyrdom of Edmund
Fol. 28r: First page of Officium
S. Eadmundi
. Words and music
for a mass for Edmund

Edmund, King of East Anglia, was killed by invading Danes in 869. His martyrdom was related by Abbo, Benedictine monk and later abbot of Fleury, who himself suffered a violent death in 1004. This manuscript, which is among the oldest surviving, is written in a distinct and regular script with characteristic English features. The last part of the manuscript contains words and music (so-called neumes) for a mass for St. Edmund.

c. 20 x 13 cm.

See the entire manuscript on the website of the Manuscript and Rare Books Department Abbo Floriacensis, Passio S. Eadmundi.

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